Unlock the Power of Personalized Matching with DonorVoice

Ever wondered how to make your donors truly connect to your mission? That’s where Personalized Matching steps in. It’s an approach that goes beyond one-size-fits-all strategies to create a more meaningful and impactful donor experience. It’s about shaping communications and interactions to fit like a glove with each donor’s unique preferences and behaviors. This way, we’re not just reaching out – we’re connecting in a way that’s meaningful and leaves a lasting impact.

The Big Five Personality Traits

Think of the “Big Five” as the ultimate guide to human personality. Everyone’s a unique mix of these five traits:

  • Openness to Experience (creativity, imagination, intellect)
  • Conscientiousness (organization, achievement striving)
  • Extraversion (sociability, enthusiasm)
  • Agreeableness (compassion, cooperativeness)
  • Emotional Stability (calmness, security)

These traits aren’t just labels; they deeply influence how we pay attention to the world and make decisions.

How Do We Do It?

Data-Driven Insights. We dive into the world of advanced analytics. We examine a wealth of third-party data to understand and append individual donor preferences, motivations, and behaviors. We then map these insights to our proprietary personalized matching model.

Customized Engagement. Armed with these insights, we craft tailored communications that resonate with each donor on a personal level.

Below is a sample guide illustrating how communications are tailored to the trait of Openness/Intellect using our model.

fundraising in personalized matching donorvoice

Benefits of Personalized Matching

  • Boosted Donor Retention. Personalized experiences foster deeper connections, encouraging long-term donor loyalty.
  • Increased Giving. By tapping into what truly motivates our donors, we can align our asks with their passions, leading to more substantial support.
  • Improved Donor Satisfaction. Tailored interactions lead to higher satisfaction and a sense of true partnership in the cause.

Stefano Di Domenico, PhD
Head of Personalized Matching and Donor Engagement